Dirty Habits Retail Stores

Dirty Habits Stores now at a shore near you. We are expanding and have partnered with selected stores/communities to be flagship retail locations where you can touch, feel and check out Dirty Habits Clothing in store... And more importantly connect with other like minded peeps. Click on the store to find out more about them and where they are situated!
- Netherlands - Pepsports
- Netherlands - Shaka Online
- Germany- Kitekollective
- Poland - Hydrosfera
- Spain - Le Boutique del Kite
- Spain, Tarifa - Aria Rentals
- Spain, Tarifa - Liam Whaley Pro Center
- Greece - FunRide
- Lithuania - Boardsports
South Africa:
- Open Ocean - Big Bay, Blouberg, Cape Town
- Natural Energy - Strand, Cape Town
- Atlantic Surf Collective - Bloubergstrand, Cape Town
- Kite Lab - Langebaan, Cape Town
- The Store - Table Bay, Cape Town
- Zanzibar, Paje - Kite Center Zanzi
If you want to shop online from SA, please checkout dirtyhabitsstore.com
*if you would like to stock Dirt Habits Swag and join this amazing community then reach out to us on info@dirtyhabits.com